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Kipunji farm
Moravian road
PO Box 714

+255 784 969 582 - +255 784 969 580 - +31 65 598 3529

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We pride ourselves in being a socially responsible company of the absolute highest order. Ask the avocado community around us, the small scale commercial farmers whom we have the most wonderful symbiotic relationship with. Rob Clowes has been farming avocados in Southern Tanzania since 2006, from the most humble of beginnings with his wife and family, along with his good friend Samuel Katsekera. Together, Kuza, which means to grow, to get big, has done exactly that. Blessed with growing conditions that exist in only a few places on the planet, Kuza will continue to nurture what is important at the core of the business, the community and the product. We work hard. There are no off days in the rural highlands, nature dictates that to us. Nurture, grow, remain balanced and always remember that the end consumer of the avocado fruit is your customer. 



Kuza grows and sources avocados. With the community in a way that is working with nature. We are water neutral. We are conflict free. We are organic. We aim to grow delicious. We aim to grow the most nutritious avocado in the world, by using science and nature to combine together, and not to dictate to mother earth.

With our commercial farm and community of out-growers, we aim to establish the largest collection of organic avocado farms in the world. It is a testament to the hard working people of Tanzania that we are slowly seeing the proverbial fruits of success, that have changed the area to what it is today and what will be the future. 

Nestled in the Southern Tanzanian highlands lies a most magical place, a place of farming fairytales. With a backdrop of Mount Rungwe, silvery-cheeked hornbills, the Livingstone's turaco, side-striped jackals, mongooses, bat eared foxes, colobus monkeys, the kipunji monkey and the rare Rungwe dwarf galago all inhabit the edges of the farm. 

This is a place where farming with nature is easier than most, rainfall that you can set your watch to and soils that are perfect for avocado. It is here that working fast for our customers and slow for fruit perfection can blend together to produce your favourite fruit, in Swahili, the avocado is a "parachichi".

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